Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rock Star

Eric has been asking for a guitar for months...  we were holding off thinking it'd make a great Christmas present. Today Daddy found a sweet acoustic at a yard sale & just like that... CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY!


  1. ;So sweet tell eric and anna ifthey remember when grandma took them apple picking on the tractor... Where did you go and Maxi lovesto apple pick ha ha... Anna looks so sweet and where is the dance school... and Erice wow I can hear your picking all the way from here now I want to hear a song.Baba wantsto hear YOur are my sunshine.....Love the pics mom xxox

  2. by the way omar told me about the walk for the cure... That is amazing suzanne and only 10 peo'mple.. I"m so proud of you. I guess they have something like this here. ANyway we just got back from shopping with N and E at city Stars... Wow what a huge mall... Take care and how is maxie doing.....Hi to wayne and kisses to all. LOve mom xxox

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